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Conscious Living Wellness Mentoring
Our Recent Posts


Love Now
“Fearlessness is what love seeks. Such fearlessness exists only in the complete calm that can no longer be shaken by events expected of...

The highest stage
As adults, later in Life, sometimes to late; we find that the comity of nations, that is the friendship between peoples fo different...

The Backdoor to Immortality: What Makes Life Worth Living in the Face of Death
The moment something becomes precious to us, we quarantine the prospect of its loss in some chamber of the mind we choose not to enter....

A fine line
I love. I love the manifestation of existence. The white hair. How the skin wrinkles. As if each line told a story. A great story....

Morte, consciência e presente
Para os budistas, a morte é, mais do que uma ocasião natural da vida, uma experiência muito importante e sobre a qual reflectem,...

Who knows?
Society is at every instant pressing forth our survival mechanisms, so we can be productive (thus destructive). But at a high cost to our...

Collective MADNESS INside OUR MIND
As crenças colectivas de uma sociedade determinam o comportamento individual. Pensamentos como: "o mundo é perigoso, o ser humano não tem...

The Monster~Angel within
I am inspired to share that like every human, I have a «monster» inside. I chose to call it «monster» because it is a term, we are all...

To live or to lie
How much more and for how much longer will we make up ourselves to resemble what we are not? Will we seek to smell like we smell not?...

Transcending our limitations
To be human is to live suspended between the scale of glow-worms and the scale of galaxies, to live with our creaturely limitations...
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