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Conscious Living Wellness Mentoring
Our Recent Posts
Collective MADNESS INside OUR MIND
As crenças colectivas de uma sociedade determinam o comportamento individual. Pensamentos como: "o mundo é perigoso, o ser humano não tem...
The Monster~Angel within
I am inspired to share that like every human, I have a «monster» inside. I chose to call it «monster» because it is a term, we are all...
To live or to lie
How much more and for how much longer will we make up ourselves to resemble what we are not? Will we seek to smell like we smell not?...
Transcending our limitations
To be human is to live suspended between the scale of glow-worms and the scale of galaxies, to live with our creaturely limitations...
A joyful vow
This dawn, whilst diving into my precious practice, there, on the mat, nearing the sunrise, an insight sprung and with it a vow that I...
The ringing bell
In an ideal reality, for many, there would be a bell ringing everytime we are about to do something it feels wrong to us, everytime we...
My True Love
I once lead my true love here. Today, i lead myself here. There is magic to my eyes in this place. And i can also hear it. All life moves...
Words hold weight
Some people believe words have no weight and they are blown away with the wind. For others, words can be heavy and wound our feelings...
The allegedly happy quest to happiness
We seek it. Desperately. By all means. And at times, regardless of our core values. Regardless of the cost. To ourselves, others and our...
Love and Light
The longer I live, the more deeply I learn that love — whether we call it friendship or family or romance — is the work of mirroring and...
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